Rhonda M Pemberton is a licensed clinical social worker/therapist, LCSW (Registered Clinical Social Worker). She is a member of the American Board of Profession…
Rhonda M Pemberton is a licensed clinical social worker/therapist, LCSW (Registered Clinical Social Worker). She is a member of the American Board of Professional Psychology, the American Counseling Association, the National Board of Examiners for Therapists, and the Association of Licensed Clinical Social Workers. She is board certified in Addiction Treatment Therapy, which includes Alcoholism and Drug Treatment. Her areas of concentration include family therapy, drug treatment, and sexual addiction. She has also received additional training in marriage counseling, domestic violence, parenting, and anger management. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan and master’s degree from the University of Alabama.
As a licensed therapist, R.M.P. uses different methods and strategies to help clients in their recovery. She utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Her recovery methods are based on a combination of science, human psychology, and religion. Her recovery process is designed so that her clients are able to see themselves as they really are and change the way they react to the challenges that life presents. A strong support system is required to facilitate her success with this type of work. Her clients must be willing to accept help, accept responsibility for their actions and beliefs, and be committed to changing their life in the direction of their chosen goal.
Rhonda is not the only Substance Abuse Therapist in Huntsville, AL. There is also the Addiction Support Group Therapy Program in Huntsville. The program is run by Dr. John W. Kavanagh and his team. The group meets one-on-one or in small groups. The program meets weekly at four different locations. These meetings help clients to get the information they need about addiction and recovery, including: what they can do to help themselves, the symptoms of an addictive disorder, the physical and emotional toll of addiction, the support system they have available to them, and the recovery support system they need from their families and their friends. The group provides one-on-one assistance, as well as a forum to discuss what they want to accomplish by attending one of these meetings.
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