Addiction Treatment is the medical treatment of an addiction, it’s the process of providing rehabilitation and therapy for a substance abuser. The term can be used to describe any of the various kinds of treatments available for people who have developed an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, sex, drugs, etc. A lot of research has been conducted over the years to try and find out more about addiction, its causes, ways of dealing with it, and its relationship with other factors. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) was one of the first institutions to conduct this type of research. Their results are the foundation for many types of addiction treatment modalities now on the market.
Research studies in addiction treatment generally have classified various programs into various generalized categories or modalities. Treatment modalities and individual modalities continue to change and diversify, and some modalities today don’t fit neatly into established addiction treatment classifications. Some of the modalities include Behavioral Therapy, Narcotic Addiction Treatment, Out-patient inpatient Programs, Day Treatment Centers, Residential Treatment Centers, Out-patient/Inpatient Programs, Family Therapy, Individualized Treatment, etc. There are also some programs that fall under treatment modalities that can be self-administered by an addict, but those should only be considered if the person is able to make self-treatment part of their recovery. There are many different programs available. Some of the more common types of treatment involve family treatment, drug/alcohol rehab, group therapy, and residential treatment.
Family treatment is the most important of all forms of addiction treatment. Family treatment is especially helpful for people who have family members who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. This kind of treatment is often called family therapy. It focuses on the family members and the addicts together, trying to learn to put their lives back in order. Drug/alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse can be inherited. There are also cases where families live with the addicts for several generations. A good Family Treatment Center will work with both the addicts and their families in the fight against addictions and the recovery process.