Dr. Tucker & Associates Inc. Therapist in Ozark, AL is a practice that has been around for nearly thirty years and has a large amount of experience in treating …
Dr. Tucker & Associates Inc. Therapist in Ozark, AL is a practice that has been around for nearly thirty years and has a large amount of experience in treating children, adults, and couples. They are located on Highway 72 in Ozark, AL, in the town of Ozark, AR. They have a wide range of treatment programs that are available to those who need them. Their therapists are certified by the American Board of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (ABCP), and are members of NARAS (National Association for Family Therapy).
The therapists at this practice are able to work with children, teens, and families who have many different problems that can come up during their lives. Most of the therapists work on an individual level with each client. They help them develop and strengthen their self-esteem, as well as their ability to communicate. They also help them deal with their peer group, family problems, and problems that they may be having with depression, anxiety, or eating disorders. They are also able to provide therapy for a number of other mental disorders including: alcohol or drug abuse, child sexual abuse, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and several others.
Dr. Tucker and Associates Inc. Therapist in Ozark, AL also have a number of books available to help their clients learn about the different techniques they use, as well as how to effectively deal with the challenges they face on a daily basis. They also have audio sessions where a number of different therapists talk about what they have learned from their studies on the techniques that are available. A number of these therapies are also available through onsite courses that clients can take with their therapist at their practice. If you feel that you are experiencing a mental problem, or are just curious about what types of therapies are available to you, this practice is one that you should check out.
Review Dr. Tucker & Associates Inc. Ozark AL 36360.